Monday, October 15, 2012

Bonne Soirée - Edited

Finally, my fingers dance away again in the keyboard. This is the next chapter of "The Next Table" I give a new sub tittle because it matched with the story in it. 

They showed up one by one onto the stage. I couldn't hide my excitement as I smile widely, indistinguishable between myself and a clown. Lucky for me it was dark,  and no clown were in sight. 

Din n I brought along one camera, since she was good at taking picture,  far better than me anyway. She wanted to go to the front of the stage immediately. 
"If i'm already there then i'm sure it'll be possible for me to came back here again. Do you  want to came with me or stay here?" She asked as she was making her way towards the stage.
"I would love to but what about our table?" i asked, while looking towards the stage, there was no crowd there, just a couple of girls which was unusual especially at a Valerius show. It was silly;  this was Monday and their show was in the suburban area, just too far from the young Jakartan's preferred hangout. 
"So go on, i'll just stay here" I said. It was really tempting to go, I just felt it would be  uncomfortable to be there. Believe it or not, I just didn't feel confident enough... i don't know how to describe it. I wanted to be there in the first place but was too shy and nervous to go.

Jesse's voice filled in the air. I would love to have been standing there, to step closer towards the stage...It's just the stares i though i might get from the other visitor. Yeah, i know, they wouldn't pay any attention to me, or even care or notice me move.

Aaarrrggggh, I just couldn't pretend that i enjoyed it from back here. No!! I couldn't.

Plucking up the courage and mingling myself trough the crowd, I walked towards the stage. Maybe this was my last chance to meet them up close. 
I couldn't let this opportunity slip away while it was right under my nose.

i know it's short. I hope you like it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Next Table - Edited

I rewrite this after edited by my soon to be brother. Thank you Sam, now I owe you a favor.

How would you react if you and your best friend had a chance to sit so close with favorite band. Yup, our table was side by side with Valerius table . What!! Waaaaaaaaah;
I screamed silently with happiness. Peeking into my heart at that time would show it beating louder than the drum. Believe me; I was happy but nervous at the same time. 

Do you know them? Valerius is a band from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Search the name and Voila! I'm sure you'll love them just as i do. You will fall in love with Jesse, Kay, Xander, Jelte and Klaas. and you'll become addict to their songs. Just try it!!
Google yourself and i'm sure you'll agree with me ;) 

This is my favorite video clip: 

*back to that day

Two hours before heading to the Backstage Cafe in Ancol, I had a reservation for a table for two. Can you believe it, i called the restaurant and i told to the employee on the phone that i am a friend of theirs. Yes, you can laugh! I was semi laughing when i called them; Its free to giggle after all! The truth is, i felt completely crazy that day and i wasn't completely completely dishonest. After all, i am one of their facebook friend and their twitter followers. Sometimes, i send message to one of the members too. 
So, i wasn't guilty to say that, right!?

That Monday, after working, my dear best friend Dinchus and I decided to go to the Valerius show. Even though, we'd watched them the day before on September 30, 2012 at 12.00 am at SNF 2012. Do i tell you, we were on the front row? Yup, happy to standing on the front row again, again and again. 
Sound crazy huh! But that's what we are. We've waited them for over a year, so don't blame us when it comes to Valerius. We will always try our hardest to watch their live performance because it's always worth it. 

We met at TJ Bus stop, since it was near from my office and Dinchus's home. We should hurry so as not to be late. On their socmed, they said they would perform at 9pm. It was 6.3 and my friend was late.. I knew it! After maghrib prayer, the street were deserted and that means no ojek* either. (*motorcycle taxi) 
And we had to travel through half the city to be there, with all the Jakarta traffic!!
Ahhh, we didn't want to be late,  "God, please help us", we prayed.

So we took the TJ Bus at 7pm. We had to transit and changed buses for a different direction. It felt like forever on the road and our nerves worse than before. 

We did think of other ways to get there; "why don't we take a taxi, so we can be there on time". Dinchus said.
I looked at her and simply replied, "I am ok with that". 
I'd thought about that before and suggested it, but in the end had decided to drop the idea as we remembered it's the beginning of the month. We had to be wise with spending our money. We knew that we'd be broke, if we ride on taxi, hahaha.. but for them, i told you already, we always try our hardest. 

Finally, after what felt like the longest we'd travelled in our life, and I'm not exaggerating, we made it. We were almost there, we just had to take one more ojek   and voila, Backstage Cafe. Yeay!!

Dinchus, reminds me about my reservation. Hahaha, silly. I knew that, i should ask an employee, where our table was. 
The place is nice with the tables sets up on sand. The stage is huge and we can feel the wind from the beach. But don't ask me about the food, their food was awful. 

The employee gave us a nice table, not to far from the front of the stage. 
Automatically both of us looked around at the table next to ours. Empty!!!
I could see them on the balcony. I told Dinchus that maybe they wouldn't sit there, while pointing my finger to the left.

One by one, the Valerius members walked onto the stage. "Voila!" I caught them walking and showed Dinchus with my eyes. 

(-------" oo "-------)
What do you think? should i just write the rest? 

maybe i'm gonna update soon as possible. Thanks Xx

This is fan fiction story so just don't carry your heart! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Berawal dari keidaksengajaan, bikin gue jatuh cinta pada musik - musik yang dibawain sama mereka. Valerius adalah Band asal Amsterdam, Belanda yang digawangi oleh duo bersaudara Jesse (Vocal & guitar), Kay (vocal & guitar), Xander (Bass), Jelte (Keyboard & Guitar) dan drummer baru mereka Klaas. Awalnya cuma pengin liat penampilan Depapepe (duo guitaris asal Jepang). Gak mau kehilangan kesempatan, gue pun iseng ngintip web Soulnation 2011. 

Dari web itu lah gue pun dengerin lagu - lagu dari musisi yang akan tampil kala itu. Di hari yang bersamaan dengan Depapepe ada nama Valerius. Rasa ingin tahu yang mencuat akhirnya membuat gue dengerin lagu mereka. 

Dua lagu yang bisa didenger seperti "She Doesn't Know" dan "You Say When" semakin bikin gw penasaran sama penyanyinya. Gue pun nyari video mereka di internet. Gila, itu mungkin kata yang tepat, karena hampir semua personil Valerius itu bertampang keren aka tampan. 

Tapi bukan hanya bermodal wajah tampan, Valerius juga punya aksi panggung yang keren banget. Ngeliat mereka bawain lagu secara live semakin bikin jatuh hati. Apalagi setiap di setiap live performance, mereka selalu tampil energik jadi bikin semua yang nonton bersemangat.

2011 lalu, mereka dateng sekaligus promo album pertama, beruntungnya gue dan temen gue bisa dapetin tanda-tangan dan foto bareng mereka. Bahkan gue sempet nyeletuk ke Jesse kayak gini: I love your "Just Say Yes" version. Will you sing that song tonight? (lagu asli Just Say Yes dibawain sama Snow Patrol). Jesse sempet agak kaget, terus dia bilang "Yes, thank you".

Selain deg-degan kala itu, gue agak ngakak juga sih, dia gak tahu aja kalau sebelum nonton konser mereka gue udah searching baik berita ataupun video mereka jadi gue gak buta - buta amat.

Selain di Soulnation 2011, Valerius tampil di Erasmus Huis dan juga Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta. Tentu aja, gue dan temen gue dateng dikedua tempat itu. Waktu di Erasmus, kita bakan sempet foto dengan masing-masing personil Valerius. Kalo gue, dari awal gue emang sukaaaa banget sama Jesse, dari gaya rambutnya, cara nyanyinya, dancingnya, pokoknya all about Jesse. Nah kalo temen gw, dia awalnya suka sama Xander, tapi jadi cinta sama cheerfulnya Jelte. Kalau Kay, itu favorit kita berdua, ga boleh rebutan. Kita juga mengagumi Xander dan juga suka sama drummer Valerius sebelum Klaas, Georgy. Kesemua personil Valerius punya tempat masing-masing deh pokoknya.

Ngomongin soal mereka gak bakal kelar-kelar kayaknya. Waktu di Hard Rock Cafe, gue dan temen gue, kita (hanya)menikmati show mereka, sangat menikmati. Meskipun ada kesempatan meet&greet tapi kita lewatin. Sok jaim gimana gitu sih padahal dalam hatiiii sebenernya, pengin nemplok ke mereka hahaha.. 
Untungnya kala itu, habis Valerius manggung ada Malik N D'Essential, Malik juga salah satu musisi Indonesia favorit kita lho! Jadi kita berdua joget dan nyanyi bareng Malik.

Kejadian unik kala itu adalah sewaktu kita mau cabut dari HardRock, gue tuh kepengin banget foto bareng Georgy (lagi) dan sebenernya pengin foto sama Jesse juga. Sayangnya temen gue ga mau kelamaan di dalam HardRock, jadi setelah Malik kita langsung keluar, pulang. Dia bilang, kalo jodoh pasti ketemu deh. Sedih banget ga nyapa Kay yang mondar-mandir kala itu, suer ga punya keberanian. Jadilah gue dengan malas bercampur sedih keluar dari FX. Eng ing eng, di lobby, menuju pintu keluar, gue merasakan adanya kehadiran Valerius. Serasa mimpi. Padahal kita sudah keluar duluan dari HardRock, ngantri di ATM, ngeliat-liat lukisan yang di pajang di Lobby Mall. Tapi emang kalo jodoh gak akan lari kemana, dapetlah gue kesempatan foto berdua sama Georgy, sang drummer kala itu. 

Kejadian itu bisa bikin senyum-senyum gila sendiri, whaha.. kocak karena manager Valerius, Jasper, sempet ngelarang gue untuk foto. "No more picture" gitu kata dia. Gak tau karena muka memelas atau tampang imut gue, si Georgy bersedia. "No, it's OK. But you've gonna quick because we have to go". Gue cuma manggut-manggut aja sembari bilang "yes". Gue juga lagi nunggu taxi, mau pulang juga tau (agak sedikit kesel sama Jesper sih waktu itu). Taxi kita dateng duluan, ga lupa bilang "thank you" ke Georgy, sembari menatap sedih ke Jesse, Jelte yang lagi duduk manis di depan pintu masuk FX. Sedih karena ga foto bareng mereka.

Tahun kedua kedatangan mereka di Indonesia, di acara Soulnation 2012, Valerius ngebawain lagu dari Album kedua mereka yang berjudul "Marilyn White", sekalian promo seperti: You've Got it, Can not Put Us Back Together, Lonely Radar, Easy dan juga lagu - lagu dari album pertama. Sayangnya, di tahun ini gak ada acara meet & greet lagi jadi harus puas dengan mantengin mereka selama satu jam aja.

Dengerin musik mereka bisa bikin semangat, hati jadi ceria lagi. Apalagi kalau inget kejadian lucu pas ketemu mereka setelah manggung, bisa bikin senyum - senyum terus. Mengabadikan momen ketika mereka manggung juga menjadi kepuasan tersendiri. Walau lebih sering ga fokus karena sembari nyanyi bareng. 

Valerius memang sudah meninggalkan hati mereka di Jakarta, di hati gue kayak lirik di salah satu lagunya, Green Light, "i think i left my heart in this town" Yeay... i love them.. love their song, love their live performance.

Baru kali ini gue suka banget sama sebuah band sampai melakukan hal-hal yang nekat (tapi tetep positif) buat ketemu mereka. Senin nan hektik ala Jakartan, setelah kerja di Mampang, Jakarta Selatan, gue dan temen gue nyamperin live performance mereka di Ancol. Berdesek - desekan naik Transjakarta dan Ojek, tapi semua worth it lah. 

Thanks Valerius for finding your heart in this town.
